Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Powerless During Winter

Losing power in the middle of winter is not the ideal situation.  Having a safe & reliable backup generator can make your outage much more enjoyable.

Share your story about winter outages to help others prepare....

Monday, November 29, 2010

What's the Worst that Could Happen to Your Home This Winter?

This winter, a La Nina pattern is expected to produce colder and wetter conditions than normal.  We know what this weather pattern means to our daily commute, but [more]

Rushing into uncertain future?

The past 2 1/2 years have been economically stormy.  With brighter days ahead, how prepared will we be to accommodate the rush?

Because Tenhulzen Remodeling has been the current size and twice the current size, it seems the secret is scalability.  Process and procedures remain constant at various levels of productivity.  With scalability, finding the balance points between gross volume and number of employees are relatively easy.

The real challenge becomes finding and hiring the right people.